FCIC - Florida Center for Inclusive Communities
Training Library, header image

Live Webinars

Our live webinars provide an opportunity to learn about the database and interact with experienced support team members. Check the calendar below for training dates, times, topics, and registration links. Please register at least 24 hours in advance of the training to let us know you'll attend; trainings may be cancelled if there are no registered participants.


database numbers

Database 101

This recorded training covers all of the basic information needed to use the database's Tier 1 and Tier 2 features.

Check back soon to see the latest modules on Basic, Advanced, and Applied Topics.






Our recorded trainings are being revamped for the 2013-14 school year.
Check back soon to see the latest modules on basic, advanced, and applied topics.









Tier 3

Tiered pyramid with number 3.Coming Soon!


Unlock the potential of the database's reports to make meaningful changes in your school. These recorded modules offer information about how to interpret and use RtI:B data. If you'd like more information on one of these modules, please email the database support team.

Using Behavioral Data...cover image

Using behavioral data in a 4-step problem solving process

Look at the types of behavioral data needed for effective problem solving at Tier 1 and Tier 2, and see how the data can be used to answer Florida’s guiding questions.

Using Behavioral Data...cover image

Tier 2: The Essentials

Learn more about the types of data used to monitor the progress of students who receive Tier 2 support.

Tier 1 Annual Summaries, cover image

Tier 1 Annual Summaries

Use the school-level Tier 1 Annual Summary reports to evaluate the effectiveness of your school’s core curriculum for behavior.  This module reviews each of the Annual Summary reports and explains how to interpret them.

Core Report, cover image

The Core Report

The Core Report lets you see if your core curriculum for behavior is effective for the majority of the students at your school, and the district-level Core Effectiveness reports allow district administrators to examine this across all of the database schools in the district.

Core Report, cover image

Average Students per Month Report

The Average Students per Month Report tells you if the monthly referral rate of students contacting your discipline system is increasing or decreasing.

Tier 1 Custom Reports, cover image

Tier 1 Custom Reports

This module explains how to generate custom reports for Tier 1 data.

Tier 1 Custom Reports, cover image

Custom Tier 1 Report for a Specific Time Frame

Generate a standard school-level report for a specific month, semester, or other time frame to help your school identify problems and develop interventions that are tailored to students’ needs.

Tier 1 Custom Reports, cover image

Tier 1 Custom Reports: Frequent Flyer Report

The Frequent Flyer Report summarizes incident information for students who have multiple referrals, so your school can provide targeted interventions that are more likely to be effective.

Tier 1 Custom Reports, cover image

Individual Student Tier 1 Summary Report

The Individual Student Tier 1 Summary Report combines incident information so it becomes easier to see the patterns in a student’s problem behavior.

Tier 1 Custom Reports, cover image

Tier 1 Summary Report – Grade Level Comparison

The Tier 1 Summary Report, Grade Level Comparison depicts the average number of referrals received by your target student compared to the average number for all other students in the same grade.

Mini Modules

Our mini-modules focus on a single part of the database and only take a few minutes to view – perfect for when you need limited information on something specific. Click on a link below to view the module.

Featured Items:

Password Issues

Obtain a password, retrieve a lost password, what to do if your password isn’t working, and what to do if the system won’t let you create a new password.

Accessing your RTIB account

Take the mystery out of the activation process! This module lets new users know what to expect after being activated.

"RM" iconRoster Management

Manage Student Information

Add student names to the master roster, hide names from student lists, transfer a student from another school in your district, and edit student information.

Manage Staff Information

Add staff names to the master roster, hide their name from lists, change a colleague’s default permission set/access level, disable a staff member’s log-in credentials, and edit staff information.

Activate Staff Accounts

Give colleagues the ability to log-in to the database.

Manage Staff Permissions

Change a staff member’s default permission set so they can access additional or fewer features.

Activate a School Administrator

District administrators can use this feature to identify school administrators, who have special pre-quiz access.

Retrieve a Staff Member’s Username

Help a colleague look up their username for the RtIB database.

Gear with letter 'A'Account Set-Up

School (and/or District) Profile

Identify the tiers your school will use, determine the quiz questions new users receive, select the grade levels for your school, and provide up-to-date contact information.

School Demographics

Update your school-level enrollment and school days per month so your reports calculate correctly.

Tier 1 PyramidTier 1 Features

Enter Incidents

See how to add a new minor, major, or SESIR incident to the database.

Search Incidents

Locate the details of a specific incident.

Add Admin Decisions

Add the disciplinary decision to an office referral that’s been submitted to the administrator.

Tier 2 Pyramid

Tier 2 Features

School-Wide Expectations and Periods

The Expectations and Periods screen establishes the number of points per period for students’ daily entries. This information should be recorded prior to enrolling students in Tier 2.

Tier 2 Enrollment

Add a student to the Tier 2 portion of the database.

Make a Plan Change

Create a red change line on a student’s progress monitoring graphs.

Correcting/Editing Tier 2 Enrollment Information

Make corrections to a student’s Tier 2 enrollment record.

Daily Entry

See what’s necessary to add a student’s progress monitoring points for Tier 2 supports.

Search Daily Entry

Locate the details of a specific daily entry.

Edit Daily Entries

See how to change a student’s progress monitoring points for Tier 2; this feature is also used for electronic progress monitoring.

Search RtIB
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Florida's Positive Behavior Support Project: Multi-Tiered System of Support    Florida Department of Education